Teletubbies Hills Blitar

Source @gardu_kelud

Did you ever watch a TV series of teletubbies? It is a TV series for children. The characters are Tinky winky, Dipsy, Lala and Poo. They live in the green hills. If you want to see the real of green hills like in the TV series of Teletubbies you can come to Teletubbies hills. This place is suitable for you who likes to take a photo or a selfie addict.


Teletubbies hills is the one of tourist attraction in Blitar. It is called bukit Teletubbies or Teletubbies hills because it looks similar like the hills in Teletubbies TV series. It is located in Sumberasri village, Blitar district, East Java, Indonesia. Located about 30 km from the downtown of Blitar. It takes around 1,5 hours to get there by motorcycle. This location is actually a place for monitoring Mount Kelud and it is known as a Tower Sumberasri. But the scenery is very beautiful and it makes so many people interested. So in 2016 this place was inaugurated as a tourist attraction.

Source Photo via fikrizakimohtar, veniputria
In Teletubbies hills you can enjoy the view and enjoy the facility. There are an air ballon for you to take a photo, it cost around Rp.5000 and they also provided the other place for take a photo. There are an ATV too and any other facility like toilet and stall for you to buy food or drink. And you can take a photo with teletubbies. If you want to take a photo with teletubbies you have to come to Teletubbies hills on Saturday and Sunday around 9 AM until 10 AM and it cost Rp.5000. We can also see a sunrise or sunset there.

Source @lala_agusthina
The access to bukit teletubbies start from Blitar city, then you will through Bung karno's grave, go straight toward the north until Penataran market. After that turn right toward the north until plantation area. And than toward the east and go straight to the location. There is no public transportation to get there. It takes more than an hour but after you arrive there, even though you feel tired, you will have the satisfaction of the beautiful scenery.

Teletubbies hills is a perfect place for you who likes photograph or a selfie addict. There are so many objects for photograph. You can capture the natural beauty of the hills from every interesting side. After you take a photo or a selfie, you can upload it to your Instagram😉. Not only that, the Teletubbies hills is a perfect place for calming down from the city.

Source @gardu_kelud

So, are you interested to visit Teletubbies hills? Make sure Teletubbies hills is on the list of your destinations while you are on holiday to Blitar. Don’t forget to bring your camera. Because if you don’t bring it you can’t capture the beautiful view in Teletubbies hills. And after you visit Teletubbies hills you can feel more excited to get back to your daily activity! 😄


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